So we are just recovering from a fantastic family wedding this weekend. I was so looking forward to it, to sharing my cousin Gary and his now wife Claire's celebrations and to be getting together with all the Makins. I literally love those occasions.
The wedding was simply stupendous. The bride looked stunning, the bridesmaid dresses were gorgeous and whilst there are far too many other fabulous elements to their special day that we all thoroughly enjoyed, the beef has to get a mention! I was so, so proud of Gary, who is one of my younger cousins who that I still find hard to believe are enough to be married and parents. He did a tremedous speech and both he and Claire, well probably especially Claire, had obviously put so much time and thought into their special day. We had a lovely time and I know for sure they did too. What a great start to married life for them.
And yet, with all the detail, the little extras that we noticed and loved, I think it was people who made their day. Without each other, the day would not have been. Members of close family all played a special role in the ceremony. Friends laughed as they shared jokes in the Best Mens' speeches from fun times they've shared and wider family hugged and kissed the happy couple, and each other as they celebrated long into the night. There was a wonderful warm, happy atmosphere with smiles all round.
Gary and Claire beamed all day and night and will have super special memories but I was thrilled when they showed us photos of friends and family signing their Message Photo Frame. Photos are being shared all over Facebook this week reminding us who was there but I love the fact that they also have gorgeous messages of Love and Congratulations to read and soak up to remind them of all the people who were at their wedding and who wish them well for the future as Mr & Mrs Makin!
Congrats guys. Love you x