30th Birthday Signature Number
30th Birthday Signature Number
- This keepsake will be dispatched within 24 hours + delivery time
This 'Splosh' Signature Number 30 with pen is a great way to remember all the friends and family who help celebrate either yours or your friend's 30th birthday. Everybody uses the special pen supplied to add their signature or special birthday message directly onto the white number block.
Fun to do on the day and fab to keep all the days after! A great feature for an 30th birthday party or celebration, and a lovely 30th birthday present.
The white number 30 sits on a black base with the words:
Celebrating with you on your 30th!
The signature block it made from MDF.
29cm long x 22cm high x 2 cm deep ( 11.4 x 8.7 x 0.8" ).
Product Size
Product Size
Production Time
Production Time
We aim to create all your keepsakes as quickly as possible, some items just take a little longer than others. Please see below a guide on production timescales:
- Non-Personalised Keepsakes: Within 24 hours
- Personalised Keepsakes: Within 1-3 working days
- Benches: 7-10 working days
- Clothing Keepsakes: Up to 4 weeks upon receipt of your garments
All production times exclude weekends and bank holidays.
Delivery time is on top of production timescales.
If you have chosen a personalised keepsake:
Please double check your personalisation as how it appears here will be how it appears on the product, including spacing and punctuation. Please do not include accents, emojis and special symbols as some of our processes will not allow this.
Photo Keepsakes
Photo Keepsakes
If you have chosen a keepsake that requires you to upload a photo, please ensure the photo is the highest quality that it can be, ideally no screen shots. We can only print the quality of image that you send us.
If you have any trouble uploading your photo you can email it over with your order number to: images@thelovelygiftgroup.co.uk
UK Shipping Rates
Tracked 48 £4.49
Tracked 24 £5.99
Next Day (cut off 12noon) £8.99
To see all shipping rates click here
Shipping to the EU? Please visit our Etsy store here to view available products and to complete your purchase.
All shipping timescales are exclusive of production timescales. Personalised items have a production time of 1-4 working days.
Please click here to view our returns policy.
Gift Wrapping Available
If you are unsure of what to get for someone as a gift for any occasion, consider one of our TLKC gift cards as a thoughtful choice. Let them choose their own keepsake and add their own personalisation.